Over 4,000 visitors at the open day

Tag Der Offenen Tr

The open day at our ABEL Campus was a complete success. Over 4,000 visitors flocked to our ABEL Campus, where they could look forward to numerous offers for young and old. All companies of the ABEL Group, ABEL Elektrotechnik, ABEL ReTec and ABEL Mobilfunk as well as the ABEL Training Academy presented their repertoire on this family day.

Good catering and exciting attractions at the ABEL Campus

The local clubs and the Engelsberg volunteer fire brigade provided refreshments. Visitors were also able to enjoy dizzying panoramic rides. The Roggermaier company provided a 90 metre high cherry picker, which allowed a view far into the Chiemgau region. There was also a large technology exhibition for solar parks and agri-PV, presentations, show trucks, information stands and other hands-on stations. For younger guests, the children's world with its treasure hunt, ice cream van, bouncy castle, Kettcar course and face painting provided a suitable retreat.

A wonderful family day

"In addition to the opening of the new ABEL Mobilfunk building, we also wanted to introduce and present our training academy and the entire ABEL Campus," said Georg Bernhart, Managing Director of ABEL Mobilfunk, when asked about the reason for the open day. Roland Huber, Managing Director of ABEL ReTec, was also pleased with the great response: "We were able to inform our visitors about our products, innovations and services and also provide them with an enjoyable family day. Those interested in PV and electricity storage systems also used the day for an initial consultation at our premises."

We are very pleased with the great interest and would like to thank all visitors, exhibitors and partner companies for this unforgettable day!