The ABEL Group invites you to an open day at the ABEL Campus in Wiesmühl
On Sunday, 16/06/2024 from 10:00 - 15:00
The ABEL Group cordially invites you to a big open day in Wiesmühl on 16/06/2024. All three companies of the ABEL Group, ABEL Elektrotechnik, ABEL ReTec and ABEL Mobilfunk as well as the ABEL Bildungsakademie will present their repertoire on this family day. Visitors can look forward to a varied programme for young and old. Customers and their families, friends of the company, business partners, neighbours, interested parties, house builders, school leavers and career starters are all invited.
It's time again
‘In addition to the opening of the new ABEL Mobilfunk building, we would also like to introduce and present our training academy and the entire ABEL Campus,’ says Georg Bernhart, Managing Director of ABEL Mobilfunk, when asked about the reason for the open day. The last big celebration, the 100th anniversary, was 12 years ago. Since then, the company has doubled its turnover, expanded its range of services and grown into a modern and attractive employer. The renowned, family-run company now employs almost 900 internal and external staff and is active throughout Germany. Its headquarters and innovation centre are located in Engelsberg/Wiesmühl in Upper Bavaria. ‘We are expecting many visitors who we want to inform about our products, innovations and services and whom we want to give a nice family day.’ says Roland Huber, Managing Director of ABEL ReTec.
The programme
The local clubs and the Engelsberg volunteer fire brigade will be providing refreshments. Visitors can look forward to scenic drives, a large technology exhibition, presentations, show trucks, information stands, special prizes, competitions and hands-on stations. There will also be a children's world with a treasure hunt, ice cream van, bouncy castle, Kettcar course, face painting and much more.
‘The ABEL Training Academy will also be presenting its training rooms and practical applications and will give interested prospective trainees a good insight into training at the ABEL Group,’ says Sebastian Spiel, Head of Training at the ABEL Group. The neighbouring, popular environmental garden will also be opening its doors and offering a guided tour at 11:00 am.
Event dates
The event will take place on the ABEL Campus in the Wiesmühl industrial estate, 84549 Engelsberg, directly on the B299. Address for satnav Gewerbering 1, 84549 Engelsberg. Sufficient parking spaces are available.
There is no entry fee. The event will take place in any weather conditions.